My Posts

Here you can find all sorts of longer posts and comments that I write. The whole section still is in development as I haven't decided what kind of content will fit here and if I actually will find the time to create enough content to make the site interesting.
The basic idea is to publish travel reports, opinion pieces and other types of content that I would usually share on other platforms.

Part 8: Core Challenges And Conclusion

As soon as companies start implementing models that are based on consumer data as a core value stream, they will be faced by a multitude of non-technical challenges, no matter how attractive the value proposition towards the customer is. The following subchapters will briefly highlight a selection of potential hurdles for data-based businesses, namely, the cost of data, talent, culture and leadership, legal barriers, data security, and privacy...

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Part 8: Core Challenges And Conclusion

As soon as companies start implementing models that are based on consumer data as a core value stream, they will be faced by a multitude of non-technical challenges, no matter how attractive the value proposition towards the customer is. The following subchapters will briefly highlight a selection of potential hurdles for data-based businesses, namely, the cost of data, talent, culture and leadership, legal barriers, data security, and privacy...

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Part 7: Examples And Classification Of Data-Based Businesses

The following analysis of different cases of business models includes ten examples from a diverse range of industries. The companies or products were selected since they represent a multitude of distinctly different business- and monetization models. In addition to that, they show different degrees of innovativeness, are established within their field, are financially successful, and are pioneers of the specific way of using consumer data models. Each business will be described by briefly highlighting its background, value proposition, monetization model, use of data, capabilities and business model...

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Part 7: Examples And Classification Of Data-Based Businesses

The following analysis of different cases of business models includes ten examples from a diverse range of industries. The companies or products were selected since they represent a multitude of distinctly different business- and monetization models. In addition to that, they show different degrees of innovativeness, are established within their field, are financially successful, and are pioneers of the specific way of using consumer data models. Each business will be described by briefly highlighting its background, value proposition, monetization model, use of data, capabilities and business model...

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Part 6: How To Be A Data-Based Business

As mentioned above, the new reality of data collection and consumers as data models has the potential of creating opportunities for business which are outlined in the following chapters. The goal is to identify use-cases that harness the power of these developments in order to tackle the core challenge of monetization and value delivery as described in chapter 2.5. In addition, new and unique business model opportunities are outlined. The first subchapters deal with the methodology used for business-model-identification and the capabilities of data-based businesses...

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Part 6: How To Be A Data-Based Business

As mentioned above, the new reality of data collection and consumers as data models has the potential of creating opportunities for business which are outlined in the following chapters. The goal is to identify use-cases that harness the power of these developments in order to tackle the core challenge of monetization and value delivery as described in chapter 2.5. In addition, new and unique business model opportunities are outlined. The first subchapters deal with the methodology used for business-model-identification and the capabilities of data-based businesses...

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Part 5: How To Stalk Everyone

The previous chapter discussed the implications and forms of data collection to distinguish between a customer profile and a customer as data-model. The following chapter will dive into the technical aspects of data collection specifically, still differentiating between online and environmental data collection....

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Part 5: How To Stalk Everyone

The previous chapter discussed the implications and forms of data collection to distinguish between a customer profile and a customer as data-model. The following chapter will dive into the technical aspects of data collection specifically, still differentiating between online and environmental data collection....

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Part 4: The (Creepy) Reality Of Digitization

In order to derive the possible business models that create consumer value through data, a basic understanding of data and its evolution has to be established. The following chapters analyze the state of digital data and describe the path from consumer profiles to consumers as data models...

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Part 4: The (Creepy) Reality Of Digitization

In order to derive the possible business models that create consumer value through data, a basic understanding of data and its evolution has to be established. The following chapters analyze the state of digital data and describe the path from consumer profiles to consumers as data models...

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Part 3: How Can You Make Money Online?

To get a better understanding of online financial transaction models, or monetization models, the following chapter will provide an overview of the most prevalent models. These models are not mutually exclusive, as most of them can be and some have to be combined to be effective. Monetization models are also sometimes referred to as business (Afuah & Tucci, 2001, p. 46) or revenue models (Cornell, 2012; Johnson et al., 2008, p. 60). The underlying idea of monetization models is to translate provided value into financial gain. Throughout the section, the five most important online monetization models will be discussed...

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Part 3: How Can You Make Money Online?

To get a better understanding of online financial transaction models, or monetization models, the following chapter will provide an overview of the most prevalent models. These models are not mutually exclusive, as most of them can be and some have to be combined to be effective. Monetization models are also sometimes referred to as business (Afuah & Tucci, 2001, p. 46) or revenue models (Cornell, 2012; Johnson et al., 2008, p. 60). The underlying idea of monetization models is to translate provided value into financial gain. Throughout the section, the five most important online monetization models will be discussed...

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Part 2: What Are Online Business Models?

Although the term “business model” has become ubiquitous in current literature, it is a relatively new phenomenon that has risen in popularity following the advent of digital companies (Hoffman, Novak & Peralta, 1999, p. 4). In recent years, academic literature has started shifting its interest from purely web-based business models to business models in general business (DaSilva & Trkman, 2014, p. 3). Nonetheless, there is no clear and unifying definition of a business model in current business or informatics literature...

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Part 2: What Are Online Business Models?

Although the term “business model” has become ubiquitous in current literature, it is a relatively new phenomenon that has risen in popularity following the advent of digital companies (Hoffman, Novak & Peralta, 1999, p. 4). In recent years, academic literature has started shifting its interest from purely web-based business models to business models in general business (DaSilva & Trkman, 2014, p. 3). Nonetheless, there is no clear and unifying definition of a business model in current business or informatics literature...

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Part 1: Monetization Strategies and Business Models Behind Consumer Data

In the newly developed data economy, businesses have to rethink their business models, consumers have to understand their newly gained value and new players are entering markets at unprecedented speed.The rapid rise of businesses that have put the use of data at the very core of their business activities has reshaped the commercial landscape.Five out of the six most valuable companies in 2018 would not be able to operate without...

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Part 1: Monetization Strategies and Business Models Behind Consumer Data

In the newly developed data economy, businesses have to rethink their business models, consumers have to understand their newly gained value and new players are entering markets at unprecedented speed.The rapid rise of businesses that have put the use of data at the very core of their business activities has reshaped the commercial landscape.Five out of the six most valuable companies in 2018 would not be able to operate without...

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Whither democracy?

The vote on #Brexit, the rise of populist parties in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and most other countries in Europe, the failed revolutions in the MENA region and now the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States have left a deep scar in the minds of the so-called “elite”. Who has the power in the current Western societies? Or even the more general question of what the Western world is, and what unites it? Where is the system of democracy heading?

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Whither democracy?

The vote on #Brexit, the rise of populist parties in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and most other countries in Europe, the failed revolutions in the MENA region and now the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States have left a deep scar in the minds of the so-called “elite”. Who has the power in the current Western societies? Or even the more general question of what the Western world is, and what unites it? Where is the system of democracy heading?

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Marketing in Japan

Marketing in Japan is often described as one of the big remaining mysteries of marketing worldwide, especially for companies entering the Japanese market (Melville, 1999). And even though the Japanese consumer market is struggling at the moment, with low GDP and income growth rates (Worldbank, 2015), a decline in population growth and an ageing society, the complexities of Japanese marketing are interesting to analyze in light of worldwide changes in the advertising industry. With the shift to the online world, marketing around the world is changing and new players evolve.

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Marketing in Japan

Marketing in Japan is often described as one of the big remaining mysteries of marketing worldwide, especially for companies entering the Japanese market (Melville, 1999). And even though the Japanese consumer market is struggling at the moment, with low GDP and income growth rates (Worldbank, 2015), a decline in population growth and an ageing society, the complexities of Japanese marketing are interesting to analyze in light of worldwide changes in the advertising industry. With the shift to the online world, marketing around the world is changing and new players evolve.

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Kurztrip Indien 2016

Ein Kurztrip nach Indien. Flug über Doha, Ankunft in Bangalore. Fahrt nach Mysore mit dem Bus, nach zwei Tagen Nachtzug nach Hospet und Hampi. Zwei Tage in den Ruinen von Hampi, danach Fahrt mit dem Nachtbus nach Bangalore. Übernachtung bei einem genialen Airbnb und das Genießen der Großstadt. Sechs wundervolle Tage.

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Kurztrip Indien 2016

Ein Kurztrip nach Indien. Flug über Doha, Ankunft in Bangalore. Fahrt nach Mysore mit dem Bus, nach zwei Tagen Nachtzug nach Hospet und Hampi. Zwei Tage in den Ruinen von Hampi, danach Fahrt mit dem Nachtbus nach Bangalore. Übernachtung bei einem genialen Airbnb und das Genießen der Großstadt. Sechs wundervolle Tage.

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